This site accepts unused gift cards from most major retailers but not from Amazon

This site accepts unused gift cards from most major retailers but not from Amazon

You won’t get face value for your unused gift cards, but if you have a card you’d never use, you could trade it in for cash on cardpool.

Another option is to sell your unwanted gift card to a friend, online. You can throw up an announcement on Facebook and see if anyone wants to pay you for the card. You might find people are going to shop at that store anyway, so it’s a win/win.

37. Refinance Your Loans

Getting better interest rates on your debt can ease the burden on your monthly budget and create more free cash every month. If you own your home, consider a home equity line of credit that lets you tap your home’s equity as needed.

Interest rates for home loans are currently the cheapest they’ve ever been. If you have equity in your home, consider refinancing and pulling cash out. This could lower your monthly payment, get you cash in hand, and save you interest in the long term over the life of your loan. Triple win!

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